Researching potential new treatments for obesity
The SYNCHRONIZE™-2 Trial is testing an investigational medication to see if it works to reduce body weight and whether it is safe and how the body handles taking it.
Who can participate?
You, or someone you know, may be able to take part if you/they:
- are 18 years of age or older
- have a BMI or 27 kg/m2 or more (calculate your BMI)
- have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for at least 6 months and are receiving treatment for it
- have made at least 1 attempt to lose weight through nutrition and physical activity, but did not meet your goal.
There are additional requirements to be able to take part. This study is being run in Victoria (Prahran).
Apply to participate in this study
If you are interested in participating or would like further information, please contact the SYNCHRONIZE™-2 Trial team:
Prasad Senevirathna
Clinical Research Coordinator
T: (03) 8532 1305
E: prasad.senevirathna@baker.edu.au